2350 Health Sciences Mall, Rm 2420 Life Sciences Institute, University of British Columbia Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3 Canada


FISH Protocol RH

FISH Protocol RH

FISH Protocol Protocol for FISH. Download File

Immuno Protocol (Jan 2024)

Immuno Protocol (Jan 2024)

GFP/mCherry/MBP Immuno Protocol (Jan 2024) Protocol for Immunocytochemistry modified for Syn-GFP/Syn-mCherry injections. Download File

Fresh brain slice tissue collection

Fresh brain slice tissue collection

Fresh frozen tissue collection from brain slices Protocol to collect fresh frozen tissue samples from brain slices for RNAseq and biochemistry Download File

Surface Biotinylation and Western Blot

Surface Biotinylation and Western Blot

Surface Biotinylation and Western Blot Protocol for measuring surface biotinylation and performing a Western Blot Download file

cLTP protocol

cLTP protocol

cLTP protocol High glycine cLTP protocol for synaptic stimulation Download file

Microscope Instructions

Microscope Instructions

Zeiss LSM 880 with Airyscan Instructions for use of the Zeiss fluorescent microscope Download Zeiss LSM 880 manual Download instructions for spine and puncta imaging

ImmunoEM Tissue Processing, sectioning and staining

ImmunoEM Tissue Processing, sectioning and staining

ImmunoEM Tissue Processing, sectioning and staining Tissue processing instructions for Immunoelectron Microscopy Download Protocol for EM tissue processing Download Protocol for EM sectioning Download Protocol for EM staining

Using the TEM

Using the TEM

Using the TEM Standard instructions for using the Transmission Electron Microscope in the LSI Download File Download the TEM manual

Midi DNA Prep

Midi DNA Prep

Midi DNA Prep Instructions for the preparation of 200μg+ of plasmid DNA Download File

Amaxa Nucleofection

Amaxa Nucleofection

Amaxa Nucleofection General Nucleofection protocol from Lonza Download File